
Heart & Soul - Year 2

Year tWO


Quarterly Mastermind Experience

$1,700 + Retreat Fee*

Year Twp is designed to continue elevating and growing members, while recognizing that it may be time for members to pursue new methods of individual exploration. A quarterly format continues to build on the previous two years work and introduces a new format and context.

  • Expert facilitation by 2 trained professionals

  • Group composed of Heart & Soul Alumni - must have completed Years 1 & 2

  • Seasoned Entrepreneurs & Business Leaders

  • Female Identifying

  • Non-competitive industries

  • Confidential & Private Sessions

    *Retreat details will be determined and shared with the group for approval. The Retreat Fee will cover food and lodging. The retreat facilitation and program is included in the base fee.

Mastermind Format

Quarterly - 3 Hour Meetings

  • Pre-determined Dates - January, March, May, September, December

  • 9AM - 12PM CST

  • Hosted In-Person - Option to Join virtually, if needed

  • Structured agenda and focus topic for each meeting

  • Multi Overnight Retreat in March 2025

  • Group Text for regular support and accountability

EAch Meeting Will Include:

  • Individual Check In - 15 minutes

  • Subject/Topic Presentations-15 minutes

  • Presentation Discussion-30 minutes

  • Hot Seat question and feedback-remaining 2 hours

    • Each group member will have time to share and receive group feedback on the topic of their choice

Year three Experience Topics:

February 26 - Realign & Reset

April 22-24 - Bayfield Retreat - The Soul Centered Business

June 25 - Sustainabiity

September 24 - Maintaining Focus & Clarity

December 3 - Celebrating Big Wins